
SWF, 8, Seeks Partner -- Charmaine | Ron (Update: Adopted)

I don't usually respond to personal ads in the K-9 Daily Herald, but this one caught my eye. It was unique. It was well crafted. And it had me very curious.

Here's what it said:

SWF, 8, seeking partner or family to share my life. Mature and cute as hell. If you prefer an older women, I'm your gal. Those younger chicks will chew you up and spit you out, including your shoes and other valuable household belongings. I'm just looking for someone who wants a sweet disposition. I enjoy mellow walks along shady paths. My favorite movie is Pitch Perfect. Wait until you hear me sing. And I don't want to be too forward, but I enjoy a good roll in the hay.

Wow, I thought, I gotta meet this girl. So off I went to introduce myself.

I was nervous at first, as I am on all blind dates. What if she didn't like my leash work? What if she wasn't a fan of boiled chicken?

Her name was Charmaine. And my fears quickly subsided as we began our stroll. She was a delightful companion, barely tugging me on our walk. And she was pretty, too. I mean, I personally like older women, but this girl was really a looker.

We paused under a shade tree and relaxed. She eyed me for a moment, then began to roll on her back. And roll some more. This was obviously what she meant by "roll in the hay"... I gotta admit, I was impressed.

Charmaine was winning my heart. I was thinking about the two of us vacationing in a vineyard in the south of France.  Side-by-side strolling happily.

But I had to hear one more thing. Her voice. I needed to hear her sing.

She coyly shook her head no when I politely asked. We walked a bit further, sat down, and I asked again.

"Wait," she said to me with her doleful eyes.

"Wait for what?", I thought to myself.

So we waited. She casually stretched out in the cool grass and sat silently.

Until it came. In the distance at first. And then closer. The sirens of a passing fire truck. She rose to her feet, put her nose to the sky, and the next sound I heard was pure nectar to my ears.


You might be asking how the date ended. It's hard to say. I gave her a hug when we returned to her place, but I knew she would have many other suitors.

Little did I know that later that same day she would find her forever love.

I'll never listen to singing the same way again (wipes tear from eye).

Want to find your love match? Visit the Bradshaw Shelter or check out more adoptable dogs at SacCountyDogs.com.

(And if you cannot see our videos in the post, please view them here: Howl & Roll)


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